Editing is everything - Jemina

The power of editing is a make or break thing for any video production. There are a lot of stories about huge Hollywood films going badly during production and being somehow saved by editors in post-production. Some of the stories might be a bit exaggerated but the fact that they exist is a testament to the power of editing.

I was doing research and found this brilliant channel called "Editing is Everything" on Youtube. They do different genre editions of a lot of movies pretty similarly as the one we saw as an example of the Shining. Just changing the music changes the whole atmosphere and when you edit it a bit you can make it anything. Here is an example of an edit of the movie "It" in 7 different genres.

Just by changing the soundtrack and picking different scenes from the movie for the trailer you can make a terrifying movie like "It" look like a cheesy romantic comedy. That just proves how much editing means in making a film or an advert work well. You know editing can do almost anything when you can turn the "High school musical" into a horror film. Here is an example of that done in a funny way even though there were no actually scary or intense scenes to work with in the film.


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