Genre Bending - Lydia
In our briefing presentation, Nick showed us how someone had bended the genre of The Shining to look like a happy family friendly movie. I wanted to look more into the idea of genre bending, and look at some of the techniques used to take footage out of it's original context to subvert the meaning of the end product.
I found this really great clip that someone made to make Elf, the family Christmas film, look like a psychological thriller. The trailer uses an eery suspense track to instantly make the footage seem like a suspense film. As well as this, it uses faded transitions to add extra drama, and to make the taken footage seem more fitting to the genre.
When we come to create our own advert, we need to make sure we choose a good tone for the video so that we can decide on music to fit the genre, and a clear editing style to follow to make the message behind it clear.
I found this really great clip that someone made to make Elf, the family Christmas film, look like a psychological thriller. The trailer uses an eery suspense track to instantly make the footage seem like a suspense film. As well as this, it uses faded transitions to add extra drama, and to make the taken footage seem more fitting to the genre.
When we come to create our own advert, we need to make sure we choose a good tone for the video so that we can decide on music to fit the genre, and a clear editing style to follow to make the message behind it clear.
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