Great Ads - Jemina

I like to keep up with good recent ads through AdWeek and other channels and try to backtrack the logic behind the ideas. Here are some of my favorites

I really like this one because it's a weird connection between an ostrich and Samsung. Also the use of a popular song that really fits the consept is brilliant. 

This ad really stopped me because it suprised me so much. The consept itself could be applied in many different ways. The idea of the viewer seeing something totally different before you show them what was behind that could also work with short animations or even print if done well. I though it was an incredibly cool ad that really got people to thing about the signs we are missing. 

OK Go does a lot of really cool stuff in their videos and most rely on a new way of using technology. I find it really cool because some of them are actually pretty simple, like syncronizing printers to work together and tell a story, and then they just figure out the technical side and make it happen. They insipre me to really try and think of something new and weird because these days almost everything has been done before, but you have a possibility to do almost anything. 

Love love loved the KENZO perfume ad. It really suprised me because perfume ads are generally kinda cheesy and boring but they went to a different direction. The dancer and the music just works perfectly to bring this image of freedon from expectations. 

Nike did a really brave ad campaing in Russia where they took an old Russian childrens song and changed the lyrics gradually during the ad. The song starts saying how Russias girls are made of marmelade and all sweet things, and in the end states that they are made of iron and self determination. It's a really great impowering message to women and girls that wish to go for their dreams but dont have the courage because of the pathriarchy. In the end they put a slogan that instead of "just do it" states that "you are made of what you do." which works well in my opinion. 

This Lord of the Rings inspired ad by GreenPeace was really funny and the idea worked well with the message they were trying to get across. This is something that would be possible to do in this brief as well because it uses a lot of footage from lord of the righs. 


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